Terms and Conditions

Proof will follow approx 3 working days after payment is received, unless we have confirmed a different dispatch date. Proofs will be sent to the email address used at checkout and will not be dispatched until confirmation is received from you to confirm that all is ok with the proof. Upon receipt of proof, please double check the artwork for spellings and dates. It is at this point that amendments can be made. Once the proof is agreed, any further amendments will be chargeable.

When purchasing products with images, please note that good, clear quality images are required.  The images may be cropped slightly to fit the design, but if you upload poor quality images, they will be what is utilised and printed.

Any images that have been through an app processor will affect the quality of the images and therefore should not be used.

Payment is committing to buy, we cannot issue a refund once the proof has been sent, we will work closely with you to make sure that you are happy with the artwork and will make any amendments that you wish at the proof stage.

PLEASE NOTE, you are responsible for making sure that the correct sender address is input at the checkout, we will only be able to send the item to the Shipping address input at the checkout. You have to physically input your address, the boxes do not autofill.  We do not take responsibility for incorrectly typed addresses, post codes and recipient details.